Community Spotlight – California Rowing Project

photo-1_webRowing!!! What an amazing sport! We discovered the California Rowing Project that aims to help people with disabilities through the art of rowing in Long Beach. Impressed by the wide variety of disabilities at the Peter Archer Rowing Center, we didn’t just meet a 3 time rowing paralympian, but a stroke patient, Greg, who sweetly cheered us on while we struggled to feather our oars for the first 10 minutes, however; we also met a 90 year old rower who is also a amputee and rows 4 miles every Saturday. This project is completely free and wants to help! The only thing they do ask is for you to stay and rinse your boat after… which is super fun because you get to meet really amazing people ☺. If you are looking for a new sport, check this place out! The California Rowing Project is coordinated by Kathleen a super nice lady that is passionate about what she does . If you’re interested let us know and we’ll get you in contact with Kathleen.

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