Community Spotlight – Yoshi LeaVesseur

yoshiYoshi LeaVesseur – Film & Media Studies Major, UC Irvine

Q: Why you think the Empower On film is important? What impact do you think it might have on the community?

A: Everyone has a story to tell, no matter how big or how small, and it is just wonderful when you find an outlet that lets you share it with the world. I think everyone should have the opportunity to tell their story, and they shouldn’t be hindered by something that is outside their control. That’s why it’s really important that a person with a disability is able to have their voice heard. A person who uses a wheelchair, for example, can give a perspective that one might not otherwise think of. I think it allows people who don’t use a wheelchair to see what they take for granted every day. But it’s equally important to show that these things don’t hold a person back. It’s inspiring to see that someone with a disability can still fulfill a dream and travel to other countries. I think filming this experience will be an excellent way to tell a great story, while also inspiring others to pursue their dreams.

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Empower On! – Short Film
Community Spotlight – Gaby Martinez
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Community Spotlight – Yoshi LeaVesseur