About Empower On


Studying abroad has always been an aspiration of mine, and when I broke my neck in a diving accident I thought my chances of traveling and studying abroad were over. Nevertheless, my sophomore year in college I decided to aim for the unthinkable and attended a Study Abroad Fair. There I learned that my dream to travel and study abroad is in fact possible. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough support and motivation for students with disabilities to study abroad. After much planning, Khari and I decided to work together to change this. Through Empower On, we hope to encourage other students with disabilities to follow their dreams and make the unthinkable possible!

Currently we’re working on a short film about studying abroad with a disability, and developing a program and scholarship to help students with disabilities study abroad. This will change our lives by helping us learn, grow and reach our goals. However, we also hope to inspire others in our local and global community. With your support we can help empower students with disabilities!

To Learn more check out our original campaign video:
